Burnie Thompson

Watchdog journalist. Talk-show host. Air Force Captain. Writer. Father.

Host of The Burnie Thompson Show in Panama City Beach, Florida.

Public Affairs Officer in the U.S. Air Force, 388th Fighter Wing, Hill AFB, Utah.

Taught persuasive writing at Penn State, Weber State, and Gulf Coast State College.

Burnie founded The Society for Watchdog Journalism to make government more honest by holding officials accountable through investigative journalism. Transparency is the first step to restoring public trust in our institutions. And it begins with independent Watchdogs at the local level.

Master’s Degree in English from Penn State (2006)

Master’s Degree in Journalism from USC in Los Angeles (2002)

Bachelor’s Degree in Political Science from Cal State Fullerton (2000)

Lead prosecutor Stephen Kunz files for retirement

Lead prosecutor Stephen Kunz files for retirement

Lead prosecutor Stephen Kunz files for retirement while WMBB-TV tampers with a witness in the Lynn Haven corruption case.? Federal Judge Mark Walker will explore the testimony of the prosecutors’ lead witness in which he claimed that Kunz coerced him into saying that James Finch bribed him. Former Lynn Haven Commissioner Antonius Barnes told Judge…

Stale and Tenuous

Stale and Tenuous

Chief Ricky Ramie offered a controlled substance without a prescription to his boss in 2018. Today Chief Ramie arrested James Finch’s wife for the same charge, according to the booking documents. But it’s worse than that. The booking document is incorrect.  She was actually arrested for having fingerprints on a cap of a vial…

Sack of Cash

Sack of Cash

Slonina gets big contracts from the Bay County Commission. Especially when Griff Griffitts was the Chairman after Hurricane Michael.

Assistant U.S. Attorney Andrew Grogan: “There’s a bunch of corruption there, Your Honor.”

Assistant U.S. Attorney Andrew Grogan: “There’s a bunch of corruption there, Your Honor.”

Federal Judge Mark Walker: “Is there any doubt there’s a bunch of bad actors robbing the county blind?” Assistant U.S. Attorney Andrew Grogan: “There’s a bunch of corruption there, Your Honor.” During yesterday’s evidentiary hearing in the Lynn Haven corruption case, Grogan said they are actively investigating the Bay County School District and the County…

Lynn Haven case headed either for dismissal or trial

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (WMBB) — After two days of testimony and arguments, a federal judge will now decide if the two remaining defendants in the Lynn Haven corruption case will go to trial or go free. James Finch, the owner of Phoenix Construction, and Margo Anderson, the former mayor of Lynn Haven, are accused of bribery…

James Finch

James Finch

Lynn Haven Defendant James Finch talks with watchdog Jodi Moore on Monday during a break in the evidentiary hearing in Tallahassee. Proceedings continue tomorrow morning as Defendants call witnesses and show evidence that the Bay County Sheriff’s Office and the FBI were vindictive in their pursuit of Finch and former Lynn Haven Mayor Margo Anderson….

We need your Help – Donate

We need your Help – Donate

SNOOPING IN THE PUBLIC INTEREST. Busting up the secret clubs and backroom deals through investigative journalism, education, activism, and entertainment. Making life miserable for shady officials by reporting what they don’t want you to know. Public corruption can’t survive in the spotlight. Only transparency can restore public trust in our institutions. That’s where we step…